Michelle & Justin’s Colorful and Playful Engagement Photos
Are you ready to see a set of very colorful and playful engagement photos? Michelle and Justin chose to start off their engagement shoot at two spots that were not only new to us, but are entirely unconventional for engagement photos. We started off at the Coin-Op Game Room in SoMa, where you can see they had a pretty good time at the various game machines around the arcade. (I wasn’t keeping score… I assume Michelle won though.) [ read more … ]
James & Anne Marie’s Stow Lake Rowboat Surprise Proposal
James wanted to surprise his girlfriend Anne Marie with a marriage proposal in a special spot: on a Stow Lake rowboat, near the old stone arch bridge. As they slowly rowed towards the spot while feeding the ducks around them, we got into position — Annie on the shore nearby, David in a different rowboat (with our daughter on board to make it not look suspicious!) to get a second angle from the side — and watched as they approached. [ read more … ]
Elli & Elliot’s Marshall’s Beach Sunset Engagement Photos
San Francisco often gets its best sunset skies in October, and the light certainly didn’t disappoint the evening of Elli & Elliot’s engagement photos. We hiked down to the beach together, took a few fun photos along the way, and romped around in the water a bit at the bottom as we caught the Marshall’s Beach sunset. I just love how much fun they had with each other all along the way, and how Elliott rolled up his pants to splash around with Elli in the ocean! [ read more … ]
Preet & Prabhjit’s Palace of Fine Arts Sunset Proposal
We love it when a plan all comes together for a wonderful result! Preet brought his girlfriend Prabhjit to the Palace of Fine Arts on a sunny October afternoon. Prior to his arrival, a group of his friends had gathered to help set up an cute “marry me” lighted sign and flower petals arranged in the shape of a heart. Thanks to all the help, by the time they arrived, the completed setup looked just perfect. Congrats to P&P and check out their beautiful Palace of Fine Arts sunset proposal in the photos below!
Chris & Amanda’s Baker Beach Picnic Proposal
On a warm, sunny morning, Chris and Amanda were taking a leisurely stroll through Baker Beach with a couple of friends when they happened across a meticulously-arranged picnic setup, complete with flowers and champagne. Of course, this was no coincidence [ read more … ]