Bryan & Christen | San Francisco Point Bonita Lighthouse Surprise Proposal

Bryan had his proposal planned out long in advance — several months before the big day, he reserved the Point Bonita Lighthouse for a “private tour” for himself and his girlfriend Christen. [ read more … ]

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Darius & Megan | San Francisco Skyline Treasure Island Surprise Engagement

After a delicious anniversary dinner in the city, Darius brought Megan to Treasure Island, which he “heard” was an excellent spot to watch the San Francisco sunset. Not coincidentally, there was also a picnic blanket complete with wine, two glasses, and rose petals scattered all around… and a very special photo book that he had made for the occasion. [ read more … ]

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Jay & Jen | San Francisco Embarcadero Pier Surprise Proposal

Jay led Jen around San Francisco for a scavenger hunt on Sunday morning, and just before lunchtime, they ended up at Pier 7 for the final clue. About halfway down the pier, Jay paused for a moment, took out the ring, and got down on one knee! [ read more … ]

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Chelsea & Matt’s Marin Headlands & Sutro Baths Engagement Photos

Though Chelsea and Matt live on the east coast now, she used to live in the Bay Area and he’d fly out to visit often. On a trip to Tennessee together a few weeks ago, Matt secretly asked Chelsea’s parents for permission, and then waited for the perfect moment to ask her for her hand in marriage — with the ring that he had been hiding for two months. Great timing too, because she really wanted to have her engagement photos taken here in San Francisco, where the couple shared many fond memories, and they had a trip coming up. [ read more … ]

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Nate & Amanda | Berkeley Grizzly Peak San Francisco Bay View Proposal

To help with planning his proposal, Nate enlisted the help of his good friends Richie & Jenny. They had actually planned another friend’s proposal in the past, so this wasn’t new to them!

A few weeks before the proposal, Richie, Jenny, and I met up in the hills of Berkeley to scout out a location. We found the perfect spot — a beautiful cliffside point overlooking Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, Sausalito, and the SF Bay. Basically the whole area around SF. But the day before the proposal went down, they actually went back with Nate and found an even better spot, one totally isolated from sightseers and hikers, and spacious enough to set up a picnic table. [ read more … ]

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