Chris & Brenda’s UC Davis Surprise Proposal at Northstar Park

Chris and Brenda’s proposal moment is a beautiful tribute to their long journey together. They first met over a decade ago at their mutual alma mater UC Davis, where their love story began. In 2013, they planted a tree at Northstar Park near a special park bench, marking an important milestone in their relationship. Brenda had been wanting to re-do their first date, and Chris knew the perfect moment had finally arrived. [ read more … ]

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Nick & Kyrie’s Marriage Proposal at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park

Easily one of the most emotional marriage proposals we’ve seen, Nick and Kyrie’s took place in the towering redwoods of Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park in Oakland. They both love nature and redwoods in particular, and in order to find the perfect spot, Nick even snuck away one day to scout out the location and make sure that it would be the perfect spot — and it was indeed! [ read more … ]

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Xander & Andrea’s Wedding Day at The Mountain Terrace in Woodside

The sun-kissed grove of redwoods at The Mountain Terrace in Woodside provided the perfect backdrop for Xander and Andrea’s wedding day. As a couple who loves to travel and hike, they couldn’t have chosen a more fitting location to get married than here, a small clearing in the redwoods, nestled in the mountains of Woodside. As their photographers, we had the honor of capturing their love story from the surprise proposal to their engagement session (on a mountain and in the woods, of course), and it was a true delight to continue witnessing their journey through this beautiful day of celebration. [ read more … ]

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Xander & Andrea’s Davenport Beach + Henry Cowell Redwoods Engagement Photos

Traveling and hiking are a couple of Xander and Andrea’s favorite activities together, and it was quite appropriate that they got engaged at the top of Slackers Hill. And a few months later, they introduced us to two new (to us) locations for their engagement photos: Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park and Davenport Beach. [ read more … ]

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Anthony & Taryn’s Marin Redwood Trees Surprise Engagement

Redwoods have a special significance in Anthony & Taryn’s life together, as they enjoy hiking together and she was the one who first got him into it, so it would be a perfect setting to take it full circle! After considering several possible locations, Anthony decided on a park in Marin with redwood trees where they could go on a short stroll together. [ read more … ]

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