Michelle & Monica’s Surprise Proposal at Mori Point
On a beautiful weekend evening, Michelle and Monica went out on a short hiking date along the California coastline, surrounded by the tranquil Pacifica fog. As they reached the top of Mori Point, where a beautiful oceanside view awaited them, Michelle got down on one knee and asked Monica the big question [ read more … ]
Jacquelyn & Alyssa’s Presidio Nighttime Surprise Proposal
Rarely does a last-minute change in plans followed by a last-last-minute change in plans end up creating an even more magical result than originally envisioned… but here’s an example of just that! Jacquelyn had planned to propose to Alyssa in the morning in the woods, but the forecast called for rain, so we changed plans to be under the dome of the Palace of Fine Arts… but then we had to do it half a day earlier, and at night [ read more … ]
Sara & Lauren’s Surprise Proposal at Artesa Winery
Sara and Lauren had many stops planned during their trip to California, and unbeknownst to Lauren, one of them was going to be especially important and memorable. Sara had a surprise proposal at Artesa Winery planned for her girlfriend, and on a quiet Tuesday morning, they made their way through the entrance and up the stairs before pausing for a moment. There, before a breathtaking view of the Napa Valley and hills [ read more … ]
Eric & Cory’s The Club at Ruby Hill Wedding Photos
This day marked several firsts for Cory & Eric. Besides of course being their first official day as “hugsbands” (see the pic of their ring box!), it was also only their second time having professional photos taken together (the first being their engagement photos), and it was their first same-sex wedding as they had never attended one before! They wanted their wedding to reflect California, and the venue they chose, The Club at Ruby Hill, does this wonderfully with its golden California colors and rolling hills without being over the top. [ read more … ]
Meg & Bella’s Reverse Surprise Proposal at the Palace of Fine Arts
Bella proposed to Meg a couple months ago, and despite her joy and excitement about being upgraded to fiancée, she wasn’t totally content with letting Bella have all the fun. So over the next few weeks, Meg quietly planned a reverse surprise proposal. During a gap in their busy schedules, the two of them made their way out to the Palace of Fine Arts for a stroll around the park. When they arrived at this beautiful spot in front of the rotunda, Meg got down on one knee and finally had her chance to return the favor. [ read more … ]