Hong & Ben’s Russian Ridge Open Space Engagement Photos

As an outdoorsy couple, Hong and Ben wanted to be sure to capture nature in their engagement photos, and the Russian Ridge Open Space ended up being a perfect place for that. We aimed to capture them surrounded by beautiful landscapes and a big blue sky, and that’s exactly what we got! [ read more … ]

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M&V’s Mount Tamalpais East Peak Surprise Proposal

We’ve seen a lot of sunsets, but very few compare to the epic, sweeping views seen from up at the Mt. Tam. M did a ton of research before deciding on the Mount Tamalpais East Peak for his surprise proposal to V, spending many hours driving around the Bay Area to pick the perfect spot. Since he knew she loves mountains, hills, and nature, he knew this was going to be the place. It’s pretty well hidden away, but this rock on the side of the mountain offers a sweeping 270-degree panoramic view of San Francisco and the Bay Area, and it’s nothing short of spectacular. [ read more … ]

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Ron & Isabelle’s Epic Mt Tam Surprise Proposal in the Clouds

On top of a mountain, above the clouds — what could be a more romantic place to get engaged?

Ron wanted his proposal to be a family event; after all, getting engaged is a significant moment in the joining of two families into one. His plan was for the parents to meet for the first time in the morning, then to take a trip together to the top of Mount Tamalpais where he would pop the question. One problem was: where in the huge expanse of Mt Tam would be a good spot? To that end, I drove up a couple of weeks prior to the proposal to scout out the area and compiled a list of locations for him. Ron and I both thought one spot in particular, with its wide, expansive view of Marin and even San Francisco, was perfect… and thus the plan for this epic Mt Tam surprise proposal was set into motion. [ read more … ]

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Tim & Kim’s Bay Area Mountaintop Engagement Photos

Sometimes, we’re dealt a combination that is just too good to be true: the sweetest couple, in the most scenic location, with unbelievable weather. Tim & Kim love to hike, and they know all the good spots in the Bay Area… which is great for us as we love to explore new places for photos! They ended up choosing a mountaintop engagement photo shoot in Portola Valley, at a beautiful, quiet expanse of nature nestled in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It’s a wonderful spot for engagement photos, and even more so for Tim & Kim since the outdoors is something they enjoy together as a couple. [ read more … ]

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Marcus & Kasley’s Mt. Tam Trailside Engagement Proposal

Marcus & Kasley have a “spot” in the trails of Marin, up near Mt. Tam. There’s a log just off the path where they’ve shared some special memories together, and what could be a better place to mark their next big step together? So on an perfectly clear and beautiful July day, the two of them headed up into the hills together. Right after they arrived, we just randomly happened (not really… 😇) to pass by and catch this memory for them to remember and cherish. [ read more … ]

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