Yang & Xiaofei’s San Francisco Coastside Proposal

On their 1533rd day of being a couple, Yang brought Xiaofei out to a beautiful San Francisco coastside view of the Golden Gate Bridge for a few selfies together under a colorful sunset sky. With the waves splashing down below them and seagulls flying off in the distance, it was here that Yang asked Xiaofei to marry him. [ read more … ]

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Zach & Jenn’s Hawk Hill Surprise Proposal

Zach and Jenn’s Hawk Hill surprise proposal was exactly as happy and exciting as the photos below show — Jenn was literally jumping up and down! I was super excited when Zach chose this spot, as we’ve done proposals all up and down the Marin Headlands but never at Hawk Hill (until now). It’s actually really perfect and worked out wonderfully, as the location is relatively quiet and offers an incredible view of the Golden Gate Bridge and of San Francisco. [ read more … ]

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Tigran & Anastasiya’s Skywriting Proposal on the San Francisco Bay

Love is in the air — quite literally! One of the most unique and spectacular ways to propose is to write it out in the air through skywriting, in huge mile-high letters where everyone can see from miles around. Tigran had arranged for a pilot to spell out “Nastya marry me” high over the Golden Gate Bridge (Nastya being the short form of his fiancee’s name) while they were visiting SF from out of town. After discussing timing with the skywriters and ship captains, we worked out a plan with the best location and heading for photos [ read more … ]

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Vicki & Wai-en’s Engagement Photos at the Palace of Fine Arts and Baker Beach

Vicki and Wai-en met online like seemingly everyone does these days, and their story together quickly blossomed from there. (I think the last… 5? 6? couples we’ve talked to were all first brought together by the magic of the Internet — which would have been quite unbelievable even five years ago!) The two moved in together right as the pandemic was beginning, and they found such joy in being quarantine buddies that they officially got engaged in September. Fast forward two months, and here we are for their engagement photos at the Palace of Fine Arts and Baker Beach 🙂 [ read more … ]

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Lajos & Gunjan’s San Francisco Travel Couple Portraits

Lajos and Gunjan are quite the avid travelers. In fact, they first met while they were on separate international trips. They just happened to cross paths and have been inseparable since! Now they’re exploring California together, starting with our beautiful city of San Francisco. To memorialize the trip, we met up with them one morning near the Golden Gate Bridge for some travel couple portraits. I really enjoyed their outfits — stylish and perfectly matched, just like the two of them. Take a look at the photos below!

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