Ryan & Kelsi’s Surprise Marriage Proposal at Baker Beach | Bay Area Engagement Photographer

We are so lucky!! We’ve been fortunate enough to photograph a lot of Canadian couples recently 🙂 Love seeing our fellow Canadians here in the States! Ryan and Kelsi came down from Toronto for a California coast road trip from Los Angeles along the Pacific Coast Highway, with their final stop in San Francisco. Ryan had been planning to ask the big question for a while now and I’m sure he had a hard time holding it all in throughout their trip! I can still remember how shaky Kelsi’s voice was as it was a complete surprise for her. I know you guys enjoyed your trip, and congratulations again!!

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Christian’s Surprise Proposal to Daena + Mini E-Session | Santa Cruz Engagement Photography

Christian proposed to Daena at the end of the pier at the Municipal Wharf in Santa Cruz and of course she said YES!! Before the exciting moment happened, we followed them around the boardwalk like two sneaky paparazzi!

Christian and Daena just moved to LA a few months ago, and lived in the Peninsula area before that. Christian picked the wharf because of their personal history here. He prepared a two-day “scavenger hunt” for Daena that included some little stories and clues to different spots in the area, led her to some of the boardwalk amusement park rides, and finally, took her to the wharf where he popped the question. Isn’t that sweet?!! He even hand folded all the clues into three different shapes! We ended this perfect proposal session with a killer sunset. Congrats Christian and Daena!!

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Carlos’s Marriage Proposal to Jazzmine | Shadowbrook Santa Cruz Wedding Photographer

Jazzmine said YES to Carlos’s proposal!! This was a such a special day for them — Carlos chose their 6th anniversary to pop the question! Isn’t that sweet?! And with the scenic view and a romantic foggy day on top of the hill, Shadowbrook was a perfect place for this exciting moment.

I arrived at Shadowbrook just as they opened to keep the little patio area clear. Luckily, it was very quiet and intimate so the proposal went very smoothly!

Congratulations Jazzmine and Carlos! Wish you two many happy days to come!!

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Casey’s Surprise Proposal to Elisse at Pier 7 | San Francisco Embarcadero Engagement Photography

Casey and Elisse are engaged! Woohoo! Casey planned everything ahead of time and we went through the whole proposal scene-by-scene by email before the big day.

Elisse had planned to visit the Ferry building that morning, so to make it all seem natural, we picked Pier 7 to be the perfect location for the proposal. I love how Elisse was completely overwhelmed with excitement and happiness. She didn’t realize we were photographing them the whole time until we jumped out and screamed “congratulations”! [ read more … ]

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Tommy’s Surprise Proposal to Jiahui + Mini-Engagement Session | San Francisco Golden Gate Battery Spencer Photography

What a view, and what a lovely couple! Tommy proposed to Jiahui at Battery Spencer, where the view from the northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge was simply stunning. Tommy had EVERYTHING planned out meticulously weeks before the proposal! Not only did he visit several possible proposal locations the morning before, he actually visited them each twice… without arousing suspicion! On the morning-of, the couple arrived just as the fog was rolling out, giving us a clear view of the beautiful bridge. As you’ll see in the photos below, Tommy even made a book of memories to show Jiahui, and the last page told her to turn around — to find him surprising her with the ring. This was a very sweet proposal and mini engagement photo session, and congratulations to Tommy & Jiahui!

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