Patrick & Zena’s Berkeley Rose Garden Surprise Proposal

Patrick had gotten the engagement ring ready more than a year ago and had been waiting for exactly the right time and place. He truly spent a lot of time planning and wanting everything to be exactly perfect, and I know this because during the more than three months that we had been in contact, he scouted out a bunch of spots and even sent me photos of places he liked! Eventually, he settled on the Berkeley Rose Garden for his proposal. [ read more … ]

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Evan & Ashley’s Alta Plaza Park Surprise Proposal

The forecast called for certain rain, but Evan went ahead anyways – rain or shine, he was set on proposing on his anniversary with Ashley, at the park where they first met. And as luck would have it, the day turned out to be excellent! No rain and a sunny sky… well, on that block anyway (silly San Francisco weather!). [ read more … ]

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James & Ali’s Surprise Proposal Under the Point Reyes Cypress Tree Tunnel

More than a year ago, James visited the Cypress Tree Tunnel in Point Reyes while on a trip to San Francisco. After snapping a few photos there, he knew that was going to be the perfect place to propose. He got in touch with me, and after talking about timing and how his proposal would unfold, he set a date: March 16. [ read more … ]

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Amit & Alana’s Battery Spencer Surprise Proposal

On the morning of Alana’s birthday, Amit brought her to Battery Spencer for a walk in the fresh air… and a surprise proposal 😀 As they approached the overlook and stood in front of a foggy outline of the Golden Gate Bridge, he presented her a book he had made for her to recount their story together. Then, like choreographed magic, the fog cleared up (!!), he knelt down on one knee to pop the question, and she gave him a resounding yes! [ read more … ]

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James & Grace’s Half Moon Bay Forest Proposal Photos

After planning for months and discussing ideas with me, James flew in from New York and scouted out the Half Moon Bay forest a few days prior, so he knew just the right spot where he wanted to propose. [ read more … ]

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