Akshay & Aditi’s Surprise Engagement at the Palace of Fine Arts

Akshay and I first talked in May about his upcoming planned proposal, and it was all planned out and ready to go until yet another new 2020 twist was added into the mix: not coronavirus this time, but the wave of protests and curfews kept his proposal from happening the way he had wanted. That wasn’t going to stop him for long, of course! A few weeks later, he brought his girlfriend Aditi up to San Francisco for a surprise engagement at the Palace of Fine Arts. [ read more … ]

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Max & Madison’s Filoli Gardens Proposal Photos

This was our first Filoli Gardens proposal, and what a wonderful memory! Max chose Filoli as the place where he’d pop the question to his girlfriend Madison. They had visited together previously, and it’s easy to see why they’d love such a beautiful landmark. Max and I actually met up a few days in advance to check out some spots in the garden, and he decided on a quiet and relatively secluded area of the estate, at the end of two grand rows of trees. [ read more … ]

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Sahil & Neha’s Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton Coastal Cliffside Proposal

One week ago, Sahil and Neha made their way down the trail from the Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton for a coastal cliffside proposal that really could not have been any more perfect. This day was filled to the brim with the unbridled joy and laughter of not just the happy couple (of course), but also their families and even yours truly, the photographers. Indeed, their happiness was just so contagious that I teared up a bit! (But, I quickly remembered that I needed to be able to see through the lens.) [ read more … ]

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Bucky & Lindsay’s Kirby Cove Surprise Proposal

Kirby Cove is among one of the lesser-known spots with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s wonderfully hidden and secluded, and as a result, it’s a quiet and private area perfect for a proposal. And on a beautiful, sunny afternoon last weekend, Bucky brought his girlfriend Lindsay down the trail to this spot for their perfect Kirby Cove surprise proposal. I think Lindsay’s reaction was one of the cutest I’ve ever seen… just look at the way she’s looking at her new fiancé 🙂 [ read more … ]

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Lydia & Jessenia’s Proposal at Alice Marble Courts

We often get asked for advice on good locations for a picturesque surprise proposal, especially for clients coming from out of town. Luckily, Lydia didn’t ask for my help — because, even after all these years of photographing couples and proposals, I definitely wouldn’t have thought to suggest a basketball court surprise proposal. But I can’t imagine a single thing that could have made this a more perfect afternoon for the two of them! [ read more … ]

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