Navroop & Jalmeen’s Point Reyes Tree Tunnel Surprise Proposal

Navroop and Jalmeen have been to a lot of places together, but Point Reyes is one of their favorites. And for good reason! Point Reyes is an idyllic expanse of woods, hills, and oceanside that together embody the opposite of city life — peaceful, charming, and pure — and it’s just the perfect place to spend a relaxing day. In the afternoon, the two drove up to the very end of Point Reyes to check out the cliffs and watch the elephant seals there, and then they headed inland for (unbeknownst to Jalmeen of course) their Point Reyes tree tunnel surprise proposal. [ read more … ]

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Renzo & Joseph’s Epic Golden Gate Bridge Surprise Proposal

“Karl the Fog” is a fickle beast, though perhaps a generous one at times: on the evening of Renzo and Joseph’s proposal, he decided to roll into the city like a low, cottony blanket, gently covering the slopes and curves of the Bay inlet. While visibility near ground level was nearly zero, the top of Slackers Hill was just high enough to peek over the low-lying fog, revealing an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime view of the Golden Gate Bridge poking up through the fog, with the city far away in the distance beyond.

It was at the peak of Slackers Hill that Renzo presented Joseph with this epic Golden Gate Bridge surprise proposal. [ read more … ]

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Jet & Madison’s Russian Hill Surprise Proposal

Being from out of town, Jet had to coordinate quite a few moving pieces for his SF surprise proposal, but he was incredibly organized and determined to make this a perfect experience for his girlfriend Madison. And it was absolutely perfect, every little detail of it. [ read more … ]

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Xander & Andrea’s San Francisco City Skyline Sunset Proposal

Since first meeting in San Francisco, Xander and Andrea have both enjoyed exploring the great Bay Area outdoors together, and one place in particular that had been on their list to visit was Slackers Hill. [ read more … ]

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Bob & Cecilia’s San Francisco Mountaintop Surprise Proposal

Bob had a lot planned for Cecilia’s birthday, with the main event being (as you can guess from these photos) a mountaintop surprise proposal — also quite fitting as it was Valentine’s Day weekend! The two made the trek up to the top just before sunset [ read more … ]

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