Sara & Lauren’s Surprise Proposal at Artesa Winery
Sara and Lauren had many stops planned during their trip to California, and unbeknownst to Lauren, one of them was going to be especially important and memorable. Sara had a surprise proposal at Artesa Winery planned for her girlfriend, and on a quiet Tuesday morning, they made their way through the entrance and up the stairs before pausing for a moment. There, before a breathtaking view of the Napa Valley and hills [ read more … ]
Jason & Erin’s Golden Gate Bridge Sunset Hour Surprise Proposal
This proposal will go down in our books — and memories — as one of our most special, one that we’ll be remembering fondly for many years to come. Jason had prepared a special scrapbook of photos to give to Erin to recap their journey thus far, and also to symbolize the (literal) new page they’d be adding to their story that day. He managed to get her up the trek to the top of Slacker Hill without giving away the surprise, and the book was waiting for them, carefully positioned at just the right spot. They took a few moments to flip through the book together, and as you can see below, she was absolutely ecstatic when he asked the question. [ read more … ]
Patrick & Hannah’s Baker Beach Picnic Surprise Proposal
When Patrick and Hannah first started dating several years ago, one of their first trips was to San Francisco, where they visited (among other things) Baker Beach and loved it. Fast-forward to present day, and Baker Beach would again be the perfect place to make a new memory, this time circling back to those early memories and tying it all back together. [ read more … ]
Calvin & Joann’s Coastal Forest Surprise Proposal
Calvin had the proposal perfectly planned out: he’d bring his girlfriend Joann to the coast, show her a short video he had made for her, take a short walk under the afternoon sun, and then step into the trees to propose with a perfect background. As it turned out, however, the day ended up being quite rainy — but that didn’t bother him a bit, and this coastal forest surprise proposal was going to happen rain or shine! [ read more … ]
Amrit & Sonali’s Surprise Proposal at Stanford Memorial Church
One of Amrit and Sonali’s first and most memorable dates was on Stanford campus, and to take their journey full circle, Amrit brought Sonali back to the main quad for a surprise proposal in front of the Stanford Memorial Church. [ read more … ]