Daniel & Michelle’s Bay Area Horseback Ride Surprise Proposal

I had been wondering when Daniel would propose to his girlfriend Michelle, and as it turns out, that day finally came last weekend. I was really excited in the days leading up to it… until the apocalyptic smoke hit the Bay Area. If you’re reading this from the future when those memories are (hopefully) a long-distant past, there was a week in 2020 when much of the west coast was engulfed in flames, and the resulting smoke covered the skies, turning everything orange. So Daniel had to reschedule, and luckily, yesterday (one week later) ended up being perfect for his horseback proposal on the beach. [ read more … ]

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Best Golden Gate Bridge Proposal Locations

So you’ve decided to pop the question, and you want the Golden Gate Bridge as the backdrop for that big moment when you get engaged. Perhaps you’re visiting San Francisco and want one of the most iconic SF landmarks in your photos, or perhaps you’ve lived here all your life — and what better to symbolize that than the most “San Francisco” of all San Francisco things? [ read more … ]

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Best Places to Propose in San Francisco

Annie and I have had the honor to photograph 500+ surprise proposals in the San Francisco Bay Area at a ton of locations, ranging from the ever-popular to the individually-unique. Here’s our list of 10 best places to propose in San Francisco that do not include the Golden Gate Bridge (for those, see this page). If you’re planning to propose in our wonderful city, hopefully this will help or at least give you some ideas! [ read more … ]

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J&L’s Sunset Proposal at Pillar Point Bluff in Half Moon Bay

On the evening of their third anniversary, J brought L (and their very energetic golden retriever) to one of her favorite places, the Pillar Point Bluff in Half Moon Bay, for a very special question he had in mind for her. With haze from the recent wildfires giving color to the sky above them and trees and cliffs along the shoreline behind them, the setting was absolute perfection. [ read more … ]

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Patrick & Rachel’s Yosemite Proposal at Glacier Point

I’ll start off by saying that I don’t often travel for proposals… but a Yosemite proposal? With dogs?? Sold. Since there was nowhere to stay inside Yosemite, I had to get up at around 4:15AM to drive into the park for Patrick & Rachel’s sunrise proposal at Glacier Point. [ read more … ]

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