Brian & Ashlea’s Sutro Baths Proposal Photos | San Francisco Proposal Photographer

Sutro Baths is, by far, our most popular location for engagement photos. But not so much for proposals, and for good reason — logistically it’s quite a bit more complicated than other San Francisco locations, and while that’s not really an issue with normal photo shoots, surprise proposals are special in that we can’t interact with our couple and guide them.

So I was nervously excited when I talked with Brian [ read more … ]

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Emily & Steve’s Treasure Island Wedding at Aracely Cafe

Steve and Emily met five years ago at The Grand, a nightclub that Steve describes as “the San Francisco Asian American landmark.” Steve had gone with Simon, a friend he had just met at work, and Simon decided that they’d go talk to some girls at the club. Well, it just so turns out that one of those girls was Emily! And so the story of Stemily began. [ read more … ]

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G&S: Lands End Labyrinth Surprise Engagement Proposal

While on holiday in San Francisco, G had a big surprise planned for his girlfriend. He had actually been planning it for some time, but this would be the perfect opportunity to finally put it into action. [ read more … ]

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Scott & Carina: Napa Valley Winery Proposal at Castello di Amorosa

Last week, Scott & Carina took a trip down from their home in Seattle to visit Napa and San Francisco. Early on, Scott had decided on a Napa Valley winery proposal, but he was a real planner and wanted the details to be perfect: before deciding where to propose, he spent a loooot of time researching various wineries, evaluating pros and cons, and asking for my opinion on different spots. Eventually, he decided on Castello di Amorosa, with its picturesque vineyards and the grand castle overlooking it all. [ read more … ]

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Josh & Tayla’s Surprise Proposal at Peju Province Winery

Josh had been planning his surprise proposal at Peju Province Winery for half a year… he had gotten in touch with me in March! I have to wonder how he was able to keep such an exciting secret under wraps for six months, but somehow he did it! [ read more … ]

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