Jason & Matt’s Surprise Proposal at the Golden Gate Bridge

Jason is probably the most excited proposer we’ve ever had the joy of photographing — just look at that HUGE smile on his face — and we’re so happy we got to capture this moment! [ read more … ]

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Mark & Cynthia’s Fort Funston Surprise Proposal

Fort Funston is an absolutely beautiful place to go for a walk and enjoy the sunset. Down on the beach, up on the cliffs, and everywhere in between, it’s all incredibly picturesque. For his Fort Funston proposal, Mark actually introduced us to a new spot, Battery Davis. It’s an old battery that doesn’t look too special at first, but walk through and you’ll be greeted with a beautiful (and quiet!) view of the Pacific Ocean from up on the cliffside. It was here that Mark chose to make his special moment with Cynthia, where he gave a lovely speech and asked her to marry him.

I was too far away to hear what Cynthia said, but I think I can guess. [ read more … ]

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J&S’s Surprise Proposal at Pier 7 Featuring Live Saxophonist

J had not just a beautiful location planned for his proposal to S — he had also secretly hired Ashley Jemison, a saxophonist they had heard performing in Oakland, to be present to provide some romantic ambience! As the two walked down the pier, Ashley started playing [ read more … ]

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Justin & Shannon’s Surprise Proposal at Mount Davidson

If I had to choose one favorite moment of Justin and Shannon’s surprise proposal at Mount Davidson, it would actually be the moment right before the proposal. They walked up the steep side of the mountain so that the proposal setup with candles, flowers, and photos were out of sight until they made it all the way to the top. You can tell how much of a surprise this was by her reaction… check it out in the photos below. I absolutely loved all of the sweet moments that followed!

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Anand & Lina’s Cal Academy Surprise Proposal on the Living Roof

Having photographed hundreds of surprise proposals in the Bay Area, it’s always a special kind of joy to witness a proposal with the amount of planning, preparation, and practice that Anand put into his engagement to Lina. He had been secretly working on this for months, with an array of moving parts that all came together like clockwork, culminating in a beautiful, romantic, and touching proposal on the Living Roof at the California Academy of Sciences. [ read more … ]

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