Will & Kelly’s Surprise Proposal at the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay
Flying in all the way from the east coast, Will and Kelly came to California to enjoy a stay together here on the coast. Speaking with an unmistakably Bostonian accent, and having a uniquely infectious chuckle, Will is one unforgettable character. As he brought Kelly down the trail to this lookout along the cliffs, he opened a video of his sons on his phone to show Kelly. We didn’t have to see its contents to know how touching it was — it was all right there on Kelly’s face. At its conclusion, Will told Kelly what she already knew: that he loved her, wanted to be with her forever, and didn’t want to wait any longer. He got down on one knee, brought out the most GIGANTIC and beautiful ring we’ve ever seen, asked Kelly to marry him, and you can see the rest in photos 🙂