Aditya & Labdhi’s Foggy San Francisco Proposal
Aditya’s proposal to Labdhi was to set be on the oceanside, on a little ledge with a picture-perfect view of the Golden Gate Bridge. He had arranged quite a bit in advance for 30ish of their friends & family to hide in the nooks and crannies of the trails down below the spot where he would ask his girlfriend to be his forever. Even though the proposal wasn’t a total shock — she had known he was going to pop the question sooner or later — I think Labdhi was still quite surprised at the flower petals leading to the spot, the “Labdhi will you marry me” wooden signs decorated with flowers, and of course, the crowd that came out of the bushes to congratulate them afterwards.
Congrats to Aditya & Labdhi on their most beautifully foggy San Francisco proposal!