Katie & Brian’s SF City Hall & Legion of Honor Wedding Portraits
Katie and Brian had to scale down their wedding significantly; instead of their original plan of having a big SF City Hall wedding with all of their guests physically in attendance, they ended up having a tiny backyard elopement with just a few guests, while everyone else watched the live stream and celebrated with them from afar.
But just as the pandemic didn’t get in the way of them getting married, it also didn’t get in the way of capturing some beautiful wedding photos at City Hall. Several months later, we met up again for some SF City Hall and Legion of Honor wedding portraits. Just the three of us, appropriately socially-distanced of course 🙂 Splitting things up actually helps a bit for photography, since without the constraint of a wedding day schedule, we can have a relaxed, low-stress shoot almost anywhere, anytime.
And I loved the results! Check out a few of their photos here.