Renzo & Joseph’s Epic Golden Gate Bridge Surprise Proposal
“Karl the Fog” is a fickle beast, though perhaps a generous one at times: on the evening of Renzo and Joseph’s proposal, he decided to roll into the city like a low, cottony blanket, gently covering the slopes and curves of the Bay inlet. While visibility near ground level was nearly zero, the top of Slackers Hill was just high enough to peek over the low-lying fog, revealing an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime view of the Golden Gate Bridge poking up through the fog, with the city far away in the distance beyond.
It was at the peak of Slackers Hill that Renzo presented Joseph with this epic Golden Gate Bridge surprise proposal. They had traveled from the east coast and were fortunate enough to have the chance to experience this incredible sunset sight. I can’t even dream up anything more perfect than two people, deeply in love, sharing one of the most important moments of their lives together as they watched the sun set into the fog over the Pacific Ocean. Congrats R&J, we are so happy for you two!