Elli & Elliott’s Vine Hill House Sonoma Wedding
After a year of eager anticipation, Elli and Elliott’s Sonoma wedding finally arrived! For us, it was one of our happiest events in recent memory. Of course, every wedding is a joyous occasion, but the consistent theme that will surely jump out at anyone looking through these photos is just how full of smiles everyone is and how happy they are for E&E. In case you’re wondering, aside from a few of the bride & groom portraits and the two bridal party photos, almost none of these photos are posed! (Maybe everyone was just really excited that Elliott managed to wake up in time for his wedding 😛 Certainly none of the toasts missed mentioning the groom’s inability to get out of bed!)
I feel like every moment that day was so memorable — from Elli’s very cute first look with Elliott and also with Dad, to their ceremony and personal vows (which Elliott began with a pretty good joke… we definitely laughed a good bit), and through the reception and their sunset portrait session with its amazingly colorful light. Thinking back, one of our most memorable moments was the father of the bride’s sweet and poignant speech, recounting his memory of sending his daughters off and watching their taillights drive into the distance, glowing fainter and fainter until finally disappearing. Now that we ourselves have kids, we always find the parent speeches to be super touching, and Doug’s was especially so.
I also want to mention that this was actually a very smoky, hazy day due to the wildfires that, sadly, have seemingly become a permanent California fixture. Nevertheless, it didn’t diminish any of the events of the day, and if anything, actually softened the light for these photos. We’ll leave you now to enjoy all the candid moments, happy laughter, and general eye candy — scroll down and take a look below!