Jackie & Jason’s Sunol Wedding at Nella Terra Cellars
Jackie and Jason’s wedding day was awesome. We had been eagerly looking forward to this day for two full years — and not just because they promised us they’d have boba (although let’s be honest, that didn’t hurt…) — but J&J have the interesting combination of being super laid-back + full of personality which meant this wedding at Nella Terra Cellars was sure to be a blast.
These two are a perfect complement: Jackie, a very real, silly, sometimes goofy bride plus Jason, the confident and reserved groom… with a big soft spot for his bride — look at him in the ceremony photos, for instance 🙂 Though not outwardly a mushy, lovey-dovey kind of couple, it’s easy to see how in love they are simply from how they look at each other. Just look at the way Jason’s face lights up whenever he’s looking at Jackie! (Jackie did not pay me to write that.)
Jackie and Jason took quite a few selfies throughout the day (you can see one at the end of the ceremony below), but here are some of the highlights from our perspective of this beautiful wedding at Nella Terra below!