Martina & Adam’s San Francisco Winter Engagement Session
Martina and Adam have been together for almost a decade, and they’ve already started a family together — the two of them and their pet bunny 🙂 Now that their wedding is coming up, we went into the beautiful outdoors for a winter engagement session. Not that San Francisco has actual seasons… but we love “winter” here for the soft (and sometimes even warm!) sun, as its low position in the sky gives our couples a longer golden hour and the best sunsets of the year.
For Martina & Adam’s engagement session, we started at the top of the Marshall’s Beach trail, made our way down to the ocean below, and then ended with a spectacularly colorful sunset at Sutro Baths — a perfect choice of locations for this outdoorsy couple. Coincidentally, this was also the day of the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, and Sutro Baths was packed with people lined up to planet-gaze. Luckily, we were still able to get plenty of clean shots for the stars of our show.
We loved the nonstop smiles and giggles during this shoot and are very excited to share a few of our favorites!