Patrick & Rachel’s Yosemite Proposal at Glacier Point
I’ll start off by saying that I don’t often travel for proposals… but a Yosemite proposal? With dogs?? Sold. Since there was nowhere to stay inside Yosemite, I had to get up at around 4:15AM to drive into the park for Patrick & Rachel’s sunrise proposal at Glacier Point. One of my worst fears is waking up 5 hours late with a phone full of messages saying “David where are you??!?” but I was so excited for this that I actually woke up even before the first of my ten (maybe more than ten?) alarms rang.
As Patrick led Rachel to the spot, he had to do a little convincing to get her over to where he wanted to propose, and when Rachel realized what he was doing, it looked like she was about to hit him for keeping the surprise from her for so long — you can see her with her hand up in one of the photos — but that did little to belie the inner joy and excitement bubbling inside her. I really love how happy she looked. Even her mask couldn’t hide it!
Usually when I photograph proposals, I can’t hear what the couple is saying, but this was a very quiet sunrise. I definitely heard Rachel accepting not with a “yes” but with a “fine” 😂 Already acting like an long-married couple!
Check out these very precious photos below, and don’t forget to adore their two cute dogs who came along for a ride! Congrats Patrick and Rachel!