Amit & Alana’s Battery Spencer Surprise Proposal
On the morning of Alana’s birthday, Amit brought her to Battery Spencer for a walk in the fresh air… and a surprise proposal 😀 As they approached the overlook and stood in front of a foggy outline of the Golden Gate Bridge, he presented her a book he had made for her to recount their story together. Then, like choreographed magic, the fog cleared up (!!), he knelt down on one knee to pop the question, and she gave him a resounding yes!
That was only the beginning of their day of celebration — they conveniently already had a birthday party planned that same night, so now they would get to celebrate together with family & friends! We loved getting to know this sweet pair, witnessing this perfect moment, and oh, seeing in person what was probably the biggest, shiniest ring we’ve ever pointed our lenses at.
Congrats to A&A!