Carlos & Claire’s Sunset Proposal at Crissy Field | San Francisco Hidden Photographer
We’ve had quite a few British couples fly over and propose in San Francisco, and I’ve really enjoyed hearing their stories. Carlos & Claire were of course no exception, and I’m excited to share their story today!
I love what Carlos told me about how he met Claire — he was looking for a houseshare (we Americans would call that “renting a room”), and saw a hanger with a fashionable jacket in the closet. His friend (a true friend, I might add) smartly advised him that based on the jacket, there must be a very attractive girl living there. I don’t know how much I believe Carlos when he says that was the reason he ended up deciding to live there… but hey, it worked out! After four years together, they visited the Golden Gate Bridge just before sunset last weekend, he showed her a huuuuge shiny ring, asked Claire to marry him, and she excitedly said yes.
The other fun little tidbit he shared with me is the choice of venue. Why San Francisco? Well, Carlos works in IT, so San Francisco is somewhere he might want to move to in the future. So by proposing here and making this city a special part of their memories, it’ll be an easier sell if they decide to come here in the future. Personally, I hope it happens, as there can never be too many fun couples here!
Please join me in congratulating this happy couple and wishing them a wonderful trip in the States.